Thursday, January 5, 2017

Summer Vine

Summer Vine.  Porcelain Clay with Glaze. 2016.

This is a slab piece with a pierced floral pattern in each side.  I pierced the pattern of a vine because I really enjoy drawing and creating flowers.  The inside of the piece is a creamy white and the outside is a transparent light blue.


Art. Ink with Colored Pencil and Aluminum Foil. 2016.

With this piece, my class and I got to practice our penmanship.  Ink and aluminum foil were used to create the letters and words.  Colored pencil was used on the border.  With this piece, I tried to express my interpretation of art.

Harvest. Colored Pencil

 Harvest. Colored Pencil on Paper. 2015.

This is an abstract colored pencil drawing of a combine in motion.  I chose to use a picture from my family's sorghum harvest.  The red milo is a nice contrast with the John Deere green combine.  I tried to capture the movement by drawing the last section of the combine several times, and by fading the color as each section gets farther away.